Disconnected From The Outside World

Today is Easter! We knew this because yesterday I did a Facebook Live video of Easter Eve Eggstravaganza where I reviewed 6 different chocolate eggs. But today, after a grueling morning of spring cleaning, we just relaxed in the afternoon. And at 6pm, we went to do our weekly Sunday evening shopping. When we pulled … Read more

Make Decisive Decisions and Move On

According to Tom Sosnoff, this is a one of his keys to success. He also seeks this characteristic in others. When he’s interviewing job candidates, he would ask a question like, “What’s 17% of 42?” Sosnoff says 50% of the people won’t even answer fearing answering incorrectly. But what he’s really looking for is people’s … Read more

Motivation Isn’t Permanent?

It most definitely is not. But as the late great Zig Ziglar says, neither is bathing. And eating. But he recommends both every day. Because if you stop eating, well eventually your condition will be permanent. But today, I’m not talking about motivating yourself, I want to talk about motivating others. With only a few … Read more

Perseverance Is Choosing To Act When You Least Feel Like It

Today was another one of those days where there’s no motivation. It was filled with chores. Laundry, dishes, groceries. Nothing of interest really happened. I feel exhausted, uncreative, unmotivated. Yet here I am, writing this blog. I didn’t decide today that I would write. I decided months ago that I would write today. It takes … Read more

The Rise of the Knowledge Workers

Factories Baby! With the Industrial Revolution came factories, assembly lines, and big companies. Growth and prosperity ushered in for humans across America (and the globe). Large corporate entities became a thing, and they thrived as efficiencies blossomed. After all, if the costs can be lowered, more profits can be made while the end user can … Read more

Writing About Writing Prompts

Upon looking for a writing prompt today. I decided to write about writing prompts. There are dozens of sites with collections of writing prompts. I see a variety of topics ranging from fantasy, dramatic, serious, light hearted, sci fi – there are literally thousands of prompts. So, why are there so many so readily available … Read more