Is it Worth Doing if Results are Not Guaranteed?

If success is certain, the work done is not innovative. It is routine. While it is commonly said that the journey is its own reward, we are conditioned in a society that pushes for results over everything else. Sales targets must be hit. KPI metrics have to be met. Earnings calls needs to improve year … Read more

Deadlines | Lighting the Fire Under Your Butt

We all need deadlines in order for work to get done. Urgency is a necessity. However, different people handle deadlines differently. Some will finish ahead of schedule with buffer room because they can’t handle a looming unfinished task. Who are these people? They’re the ones that will show up at an appointment, meeting, or dinner … Read more

What is “Good Enough”?

“Good Enough” for a product or service means it has met it’s specifications. Seth Godin expands on this idea with an example of when the Lexus was coming out with a car, it didn’t need to be perfect. For Lexus, “good enough” meant that it was better than it’s competitor at the time, the Mercedes. … Read more

A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

You may have heard this phrase before, most famously used by JFK in 1963. The meaning is that improving an economy benefits everyone within the economy. When it comes to knowledge, this is almost always the case. There has been an old fashioned mindset that withholding certain information from your peers is the best or … Read more

Take Time to Plan | Time Saving

It’s worth taking time everyday preparing for the next day. You’ll be more focused and less prone to distractions. And with increased efficiency, you’ll save time. When it comes to trading, it’s good to take some time the evening before to scan for potential trades. Set rules for yourself so when market conditions appear you’ll … Read more

Not Every One is Going to be a Winner

Whether it’s an options trade, a blog post, a YouTube video… sometimes they’re a flop. It doesn’t feel good when you don’t get the results you want. But it’s important to keep putting out content. If you can, try to learn from it. Find out what you can do better. Keep in mind who your … Read more

If You Truly Desire it, You WILL Find a Way to Make it Happen

Whether it is something you want to do or you don’t want to do, you’ll find a way. Throughout middle school and high school, I was an active gymnast. So going to college, I enjoyed calisthenics but had no interest in lifting weights (or going to a regular gym to “work out”). After college, I … Read more

Tracking is the Only Surefire Way to Improvement

It’s important that you are tracking the correct things. Where visibility goes, so does focus naturally. If you’re struggling, start tracking what you’re doing. Don’t be afraid to change metrics. You may be surprised at which metrics really matter. There is another side effect of tracking, it is consistency. When you’re committed to tracking and … Read more