What does Passive Income REALLY mean?

The term passive income has become a big buzzword for people all over the internet. Whether it’s people looking to retire early, have an alternative to the 9-5 job, or some looking for a magic bullet. Everyone has a different idea what passive income means. While it’s true that everyone will agree upon the results … Read more

Keep a Log of Your Successes

Today was a rough day. Another 11hours between logging on and logging off. Tomorrow doesn’t look like it will be any better. Nor Thursday. At lunch, my stock option trades realized more disappointing losses. Doubt on my abilities are not only looming, but is pressing in on me from all sides. The whole day felt … Read more

Serving others – finding purpose

Today, I tried something new and out of my comfort zone. I went live on Facebook for a presentation on 401K Mutual Funds. There was lag on the sound and video. There was awkward pauses. I was looking all over the place. A couple brain freezes. Afterwards I did get several messages that the information … Read more

Learning – Knowledge is a tree

Right before a Falcon Launch in 2015, Elon Musk decided to host an AMA(Ask Me Anything) on Reddit. While most of the questions and answers revolves around the science of the rockets naturally, there was a gem of a quote about learning: “One bit of advice: it is important to view knowledge as sort of … Read more

Under pressure – deadline

Parkinson’s Law says that work expands to fill the time allotted. We already know that deadlines are vital to get anything done. I had an assignment last night and although I finished 2 hours before the submission deadline, I felt the pressure of getting it done. Not everyone works well under this kind of pressure. … Read more

Recognizing and converting opportunities

Over the summer we were on our annual vacation with the family at the beach. During the watching of the movie Bullitt, my 20 yr old nephew leaned over and asked a simple question, “I got a hundred bucks, what stock should I invest in?” He had his brokerage account app open on his phone … Read more

“If I had one of these, I could play just like Stu”

Bass Players United Facebook group posted a beautiful picture of a Kubiki Ex Factor Bass. In the early years of Stu Hamm’s career, the Ex Factor was his bass of choice. The this comment that someone relied with, “if I had one of these, I could play just like Stu”, I bet a lot of … Read more