Keep Calm and…

literally everything you do will be better. When you’re stressed or anxious, you’re in a state of flight or flight. You won’t be on top of your game. Your thinking is not clear. It’s hard to focus. You’re unable to make the best decisions. Take a step back and breathe. Keep Calm and succeed.

Teach by example

When we think about teaching, we usually think about teaching by instruction. That’s the system we’re used to: schooling. As a result, sometimes we’re hesitant to be teachers. We don’t know how to express an idea to others. Or how to pass on knowledge. But we can teach by showing. Teach by example. Teach by … Read more

between Scylla and Charybdis

For travelers that sailed through the Straight of Messina, coming too close to the cliffs would spell bloodshed. As Scylla would come out of the rocks with her six heads and snatch up sailors for lunch. Sailing out of reach of Scylla presented an even bigger danger in the form of Charybdis. Charybdis was another … Read more

Sunday Night

It’s Sunday night. We don’t feel like going to bed yet. Because tomorrow morning means Monday. And back to work. A lot of us look forward to the weekend. But not just looking forwards to the weekend. We are living for the weekend. Only 2 out of the 7 days. Less than 30% of our … Read more