Heroes Journey: Becoming

The structure of a story begins with a hero being presented with a challenge. And then the hero must embark on a journey to learn how to overcome this challenge. Failures along the way highlight the difficulties that must be overcome. That way, when the hero succeeds in the end, the victory feels rewarding. But … Read more


Today’s Centr workout was MMA: Streetfighter with Jorge Blanco. One of the combos was Jab Jab Cross Lead-Knee. I took a short video clip and sent it to my brother Kenny with a joke reference about the Streetfighter games we played while growing up: I figured out the button press to this combo! So Kenny … Read more

Turnpike v Parkway

This morning I was thinking about the two major toll highways in New Jersey. Like the roads we take in life, these highways have similarities and differences between them. As a Jersey Boy who’s lived in the Garden State for over the last 30 years, let me tell you about these roads. The two highways … Read more

Accountability Buddy

We’re really good at making excuses for ourselves. I’ll work out tomorrow. I’m too sore to work out. I should rest up today. If you hear yourself saying anything that sounds like this, you need an accountability buddy. Find a person you trust and genuinely cares about your well-being. Tell them what you’re going to … Read more