Sometimes You Just Need Takeout for Dinner

At around 3pm today my wife asked me if we could get some Ricky’s Thai for dinner. Without hesitation, I said, “hell yea!” You see, this weekend was my wife’s birthday and we had quite a delicious food fest. Starting with our favorite doughnut shop by the shore, Purple Glaze. She went for a triple … Read more

What Do Bizarre Dreams Mean?

I woke up this morning utterly drained. I had train hopped, did some flips, attended a work presentation, saw Taylor Swift and Harry Potter in an auditorium, walked through a warehouse, drove a rental car, visited some YouTube stars, and even cleaned a public toilet seats – GROSS!!! I don’t always get vivid dreams, but … Read more

Car Battery Reviews | Social Proof

The car battery died again. After just successfully jumping it 2 days ago and driving the car around for about an hour, today the car wouldn’t start. Granted, I noticed that the trunk was left open so that must have re-drained the battery. Knowing that stock car battery life is about 5 years, it’s about … Read more

Dead Car Battery | Don’t Panic

Within minutes of my wife leaving the apartment to go to her dance lesson, I get a call. “The car won’t start” “Ok, I’m coming down”, I throw on some clothes because even though I was still working, it’s still pandemic quarantine. Sure enough, I get to the car and pop in my key. The … Read more

Lefty Eating | Try Something New Every Day

Today I ate a bowl of cookies and milk with my left hand. The new part is the left hand; I eat my original creation of “Cookie Soup” all the time. Now, I’m semi-ambidextrous, as I can write lefty really slow and ugly, but its legible. But it forced me to slow down and concentrate … Read more

What Goes on in Your Head to Solve 27 + 48?

I encountered this question on a random Facebook post. And perusing the comments revealed so many ways to solve the problem. First up, the “classic” method I was taught to do by paper. 7 + 8 = 5, carry the 1 over, making 2 + 4 + 1 = 7. So the Answer is 75. … Read more

Loser’s Mindset | Self Sabotage

When it comes to competitive nature, everyone is different. Some need to win at all cost. While others just want to have fun and winning doesn’t matter at all. In team games such as League of Legends, sometimes when a team is about to win, someone will put up a surrender vote. Obviously this makes … Read more

Write About What Motivates You and What Scares You

Today, I looked up writing prompts and came across a bunch of random lists. I settled on the title prompt:Write About What Motivates You and What Scares You. So here we go. What motivates me. I would have to say knowledge motivates me. I am both a fan of accumulating knowledge as well as sharing … Read more