Deleted Scenes – Horcruxes

Movie/Book spoilers ahead, you’ve been warned. For Christmas, I got the full Harry Potter blue ray set (along with a blue ray player to watch them). So we’ve been going to town this whole week on them every evening. I was really glad about a minor detail fix that has always irked me in the … Read more

90 Day Fiancé – Sunk Cost

Sunk cost refers to money, time, or resources that have already been spent and are unrecoverable. In the business world, sunk costs are not considered when making future decisions. That’s because they don’t matter for current and future budget calculations. In our personal lives however, sunk cost often have an emotional toll that affects our … Read more

90 Day Fiancé – double standards

Yes, one of out guilt pleasures is watching the show 90 day fiancé. The drama and the people on the show are oftentimes just unbelievable. One recurring theme is double standards. In season 4, we meet Ed aka (no neck Ed) and his beau Rose from the Philippines. Shortly after Ed arrives in person, he … Read more

King of Swords – Tarot Reading – How does October look for me?

My wife Krista just finished up a Zoom class on Tarot Card reading. I volunteered for a 1 card quick read for her to practice on. She told me to ask a question. I wasn’t sure what to ask but after a minute of staring into space while she shuffled her Crow Tarot Deck – … Read more

Conspiracy Theories pt1 – I’m pretty sure none of that is real.

We’re going to dig into three conspiracy theories that genuinely has me baffled. We’ll try to understand the logic behind them and maybe draw some conclusions on why conspiracy theories are so popular. 1. The Earth is Flat. I keep seeing this subject comes up time and time again on Facebook. Basically there are groups … Read more

Identity, Interests, and Non-Interests

We typically identify ourselves by our interests. Topics or things we like. It might even be a pretty big list. Most of us have equally strong stuff we dislike. Maybe even loathe. Maybe it’s a smaller list. For me, I loathe celery, cinnamon, Nirvana, and Trump. In fact, I would say that my non-interests make … Read more


So it’s almost October, which means it’s almost Halloween. We decided to try to find a good spooky movie because we put on Silent Hill last night and it was a disappointment. Not enough Sean Bean. Tonight we tried Open House, which was promising for most of the movie. Character development, interesting relationship interactions. Then … Read more