Internet Mask pt2

In part one, we talked about why it is so easy for internet interactions to lack empathy. It’s easy to turn to bullying and trolling from the anonymity and lack of accountability. The human on the other side is not really perceived as a human altogether. So the deeper reason for WHY hate mongering, bullying, … Read more

Internet Mask pt1

Just watched a movie called Guns Akimbo starring Daniel Radcliffe. Without too much spoilers, Daniel’s character, Miles is an internet troll who ends up trolling a real life death-match stream called Skizm. When he gets a message from Skizm to stop his trolling, he doesn’t take their threats seriously. As a result he finds himself … Read more


Today’s Centr workout was MMA: Streetfighter with Jorge Blanco. One of the combos was Jab Jab Cross Lead-Knee. I took a short video clip and sent it to my brother Kenny with a joke reference about the Streetfighter games we played while growing up: I figured out the button press to this combo! So Kenny … Read more

Taste unexpected

Tonight, I made myself a strawberry smoothie with chocolate protein powder. It was a batch of fresh strawberries and the best tasting protein powder I’ve ever had. Upon first sip, I thought it was good… a few gulps later, i thought to myself – ew, I’m never doing this combination again. Several years ago, my … Read more

Zoom Wedding 2020

Our friends Brian and Paula were planning on a small wedding gathering in October. But after 6 months of quarantine there’s still has no end in sight. The happy couple decided instead to do a short ceremony with the help of everyone’s favorite teleconference program, Zoom. Brian and Paula popped up on the screen at … Read more

ok, stress level is rising

My wallet is not in the bag I brought upstairs yesterday. I had just looked in the car center console. Not there. Take a deep breath and retrace my steps. Ok, I used my credit card to pay for the lo mein take out. Then we had the fairly stressful fender bender (was cut off) … Read more

Life, uh, finds a way

It’s 1993. Man has brought dinosaurs back from extinction. But acknowledging the dangers of introducing catastrophic disruptions to the order of nature if these creatures are to get into the wild, the scientists have genetically engineered only female dinosaurs to prevent procreation. However, the ever charming and eccentric chaos mathematician Dr. Ian Malcolm warns the … Read more

Slughorn’s Hourglass

In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince movie, Professor Slughorn has in his office an hourglass that measures the quality of conversation. When it is stimulating, the sand runs slowly. When Tom Riddle is shown in the memory asking Slughorn about Horcruxes, the sand in the hourglass stops completely. When was the last time … Read more

A sense of belonging

Are you friends with everyone in your town? Your state? Your country? Of course not. But when you travel abroad and you find someone from your country, your state, or *gasp* from your SAME FLIPPING TOWN… you instantly feel a connection. There is a sense of connectivity because you have something in common. You know … Read more

In the trench

Four pairs of hands furiously dig to repair the trench. The waves keep coming. Some barely reach the base. Others tear chunks from the walls leaving the defense vulnerable. And every few minutes a big one engulfs the trench, encasing the four within. But the work continues. Digging and repairing the walls. Slowly, the walls … Read more