Inauguration Day 2021

Today, President Elect Joe Biden became the 46th President of the United States of America. Unfortunately, I was busy working and could not watch the live inauguration, there was a feeling in the air. A fresh feeling. Turning of a new page feeling. While there was a lot of joy all around social media, I … Read more

Counselor – a Personal Trainer for the Mind

It’s important to remove the stigma to seeking professional help when it comes to mental wellness. Whether it be a serious condition or just some help needed – taking care of your mind is equally as important as taking care of your body. For the last few months, I sought out a counselor I had … Read more

Break From Ordinary | Be Extraordinary

Learning to fit in is something we learn at an early age. Conformity is how societal structures are formed and what it demands. At its core, it is a survival instinct. Back in the hunting and gathering days, no one picks the funny looking berries to eat because it’s probably poisonous. You follow the group … Read more

Be Proud of Yourself – Dance Showcase 2020

Tonight was the red carpet showing of our Winter Showcase Dance. I busted out on my tailored tux. Took a few minutes tying my bow tie (it’s been a while since I’ve tied one). My wife wore a beautiful black dress. We rolled out in style. Upon arrival, we see a gathering of glamorously dressed … Read more

NEW Oreo Flavors: Java Chip and Chocolate Hazelnut

Now, I consider myself a bit of a cookie connoisseur (or a cookie snob). So when I walked through Shoprite this past weekend, these new flavors jumped out at me. They demanded my immediate attention. So today (Thursday), these two boxes have already been sitting impatiently on my shelf for 4 days, I thought it … Read more

If You Truly Desire it, You WILL Find a Way to Make it Happen

Whether it is something you want to do or you don’t want to do, you’ll find a way. Throughout middle school and high school, I was an active gymnast. So going to college, I enjoyed calisthenics but had no interest in lifting weights (or going to a regular gym to “work out”). After college, I … Read more

Automate and Increment

It’s the beginning of a new calendar year. If you’re currently employed, wouldn’t you like to get a raise? Since you’re in charge of your own retirement account, you should go ahead and give yourself a raise by increasing your 401k contribution by +1%. Some 401k plans even allow you to automate a +1% increase … Read more

Rock the Boat Dance – Derry Girls

In season 2, episode 4 of Derry Girls, there is a scene where the song “Rock the Boat” come on during wedding reception. With excitement the girls rush the dance floor joined by adults of all ages to sit on the ground. They wave their arms, rowed, and clapped in a choreographed routine while seated. … Read more