Waking Up On The Right Side Of The Bed

Today, I woke up in a good mood. It was Friday. I felt well rested. I had a good trading plan for the day. After some morning exercise, I got some coffee and waited for the 9:30 market bell. DING DING DING DING DING! Trades closed, new promising trades opened, and remaining options expired worthless … Read more

Knowing It Can Be Done – Seth’s Blog

Today on Seth Godin’s daily blog, he talks about how taking the leap is the hard part, while iterative improvements are not only easier, but they’re inevitable. This reminds me of an often cited example of how nobody believed that a 4 minute mile was possible. That is, until 1954 when Roger Bannister broke that … Read more

Learn By Doing – New Trading Strategies

Back in my World of Warcraft days, we had a small guild of tightly knit friends (many of us are friends IRL). While there were guides online for new dungeon and raid mechanics, we had our own guild motto: learn by doing. Reading detailed step by step guides and watching strategy videos give good overview … Read more

There’s A Problem With Delayed Gratification

The reward is not guaranteed. Sure, there’s probably a good chance that it’ll pay off. But you never truly know 100%. And there’s also the fear of missing out (FOMO – for you cool kids). Grab a free bagel now, because there might not be one in 30 minutes. It is our deeply ingrained need … Read more