Make It A Learning Opportunity

Challenges come up every day. Even easy stuff. Today, we had a customer request to put two electronic components into one enclosure. For context this is extremely unusual and to my knowledge, never been done before. But instead of just answering the email myself, I took the opportunity to give my back up colleague a … Read more

Big But

In a scene from Pee Wee’s big adventure, his friend Simone is thinking about quitting her job as a waitress to follow her dreams. Pee Wee drops some wisdom saying that everyone he knows has a big but. Hilarious line, but it’s true. Most people will find excuses for not going after something they want. … Read more

Solving problems

What problems are you looking to solve? Where do you go to look for solutions? Are you even trying to find a solution? What about problems you’ve had in the past? How did you overcome them? Did you seek answers or did you brute force trial and error? Oftentimes, when we face a challenge we … Read more

Heroes Journey: Becoming

The structure of a story begins with a hero being presented with a challenge. And then the hero must embark on a journey to learn how to overcome this challenge. Failures along the way highlight the difficulties that must be overcome. That way, when the hero succeeds in the end, the victory feels rewarding. But … Read more