Big But

In a scene from Pee Wee’s big adventure, his friend Simone is thinking about quitting her job as a waitress to follow her dreams. Pee Wee drops some wisdom saying that everyone he knows has a big but. Hilarious line, but it’s true. Most people will find excuses for not going after something they want. … Read more


Irritated. Annoyed. Tired. Hungry. Sick. Any combination of these can cause us to lash out. It doesn’t really make us feel better. But it’s just easier to let loose at whoever is unfortunate enough to be in our line of fire. Maybe it’s a loved one or a friend that will get the brunt of … Read more


Parkinson Law says that work expands to fill the time that is allotted to it. If you give yourself 2 hours to clean the kitchen, chances are, you will take all two hours to clean the kitchen. We’re really good at procrastinating. So how do we combat this? Make realistic deadlines that challenge us. Not … Read more

Linear Expectation

My dentist suggested that I get teeth grinding mouth guards. He explained that one tooth of mine has already worn down by 1 mm. And although it’s taken 32 years for me to wear it down by 1 mm, the progression of wear is exponential. He went on with the details about how the outermost … Read more

Don’t “read” books

“Books are the training weights of the mind. They are very helpful, but it would be a bad mistake to suppose that one has made progress simply by having internalized their contents” — Epictetus. I’ve been guilty of this. at one point I was reading 2-3 personal development books per month. While it wasn’t a … Read more

Go Against the Grain

Warren Buffet said, “We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful”. He was talking about investment strategies and how you shouldn’t follow the masses. When everyone is panic selling, you should hold. When everyone is buying and inflating a stock’s price, you shouldn’t buy. … Read more


Seneca says “luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”. Most of the time when we use the word luck to describe another’s good fortune, it is what Seneca is talking about. She’s lucky to have gotten the offer for a promotion. Not luck, she’s been demonstrating her skills to her company for years. He’s … Read more

Ultimate Beastmaster

This weekend we rewatched The Ultimate Beastmaster Season 1 on Netflix. It’s an obstacle course show with contestants from 6 different countries traverse 4 rounds of challenges. Each completed obstacle awards points and the contestants with the highest amount of points pass through each round until two finalist go head to head. Bonus obstacle detours … Read more