RIP Chadwick Boseman

Today, the actor that brought the Black Panther to life on the silver screen passed away. At only age 43 Chadwick has been privately battling colon cancer for four years. It’s a reminder that you really can’t judge people from their appearances. Portraying such a strong character and giving so many of us strength, it … Read more

Solving problems

What problems are you looking to solve? Where do you go to look for solutions? Are you even trying to find a solution? What about problems you’ve had in the past? How did you overcome them? Did you seek answers or did you brute force trial and error? Oftentimes, when we face a challenge we … Read more

Heroes Journey: Becoming

The structure of a story begins with a hero being presented with a challenge. And then the hero must embark on a journey to learn how to overcome this challenge. Failures along the way highlight the difficulties that must be overcome. That way, when the hero succeeds in the end, the victory feels rewarding. But … Read more

Internet Mask pt2

In part one, we talked about why it is so easy for internet interactions to lack empathy. It’s easy to turn to bullying and trolling from the anonymity and lack of accountability. The human on the other side is not really perceived as a human altogether. So the deeper reason for WHY hate mongering, bullying, … Read more

Internet Mask pt1

Just watched a movie called Guns Akimbo starring Daniel Radcliffe. Without too much spoilers, Daniel’s character, Miles is an internet troll who ends up trolling a real life death-match stream called Skizm. When he gets a message from Skizm to stop his trolling, he doesn’t take their threats seriously. As a result he finds himself … Read more


Today’s Centr workout was MMA: Streetfighter with Jorge Blanco. One of the combos was Jab Jab Cross Lead-Knee. I took a short video clip and sent it to my brother Kenny with a joke reference about the Streetfighter games we played while growing up: I figured out the button press to this combo! So Kenny … Read more