Learn By Doing – New Trading Strategies

Back in my World of Warcraft days, we had a small guild of tightly knit friends (many of us are friends IRL). While there were guides online for new dungeon and raid mechanics, we had our own guild motto: learn by doing. Reading detailed step by step guides and watching strategy videos give good overview … Read more

There’s A Problem With Delayed Gratification

The reward is not guaranteed. Sure, there’s probably a good chance that it’ll pay off. But you never truly know 100%. And there’s also the fear of missing out (FOMO – for you cool kids). Grab a free bagel now, because there might not be one in 30 minutes. It is our deeply ingrained need … Read more

WHAT IF… Do You Focus On Things You Can’t Change?

This is the Circle of Influence diagram from Steven Covey’s book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. When you focus only on things that you can change, you are pushing out your circle of influence. Conversely, when you worry and think about things you cannot change, you end up crippling yourself and shrink your circle … Read more

What Is Your Relationship With Money?

When you hear that someone is very rich, what is your first thought? Do you think, “she probably inherited it.” Or do you think, “she probably worked hard to get to where she is.” When you see someone driving an expensive sports car, what pops into your head? “He’s probably overcompensating for something,” or, “He … Read more

Blatant Disregard For Safety | It’s Your Own Fault

We got two incidents this past weekend with users of technology that blatantly disregard their own safety. Peloton had a child die to it’s treadmill in March. Details were undisclosed but this weekend, the Consumer Product Safety Commission released a video of a child playing unsupervised around an active Peloton treadmill. The child was pulled … Read more

Good News! You Get To Choose Your Destiny

Because nothing happens overnight. Where you are now is the accumulation of the large collection of your past choices. Of course, there are events outside of your control. But what is always in your control is how you choose to respond to those events. The first step is your perspective. Two people can be present … Read more