Pattern Day Trader Rule is absolutely STUPID

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority FINRA designates individual as a pattern day trader if he/she executes more than three day trades in a rolling five business day period. If you get flagged, your account is locked from trading any new positions for 90 days. (oh, tt has to also be in a margin account and … Read more

Impatience | The Need To Do SOMETHING

Today was yet another painful market crash. Jerome Powell and Janet Yellen spoke today and they reiterated more of the same: inflation projected long term to be ~2% and they intend to keep it that way. So with no real “news” why did the market crash? Yet again? This is the third crash as JPow … Read more

GME: Diamond Hands and Diamond Guts

It’s now February and the weekend has largely splashed cold water over the burning fire that was GameStop. The weekend was filled with articles about how redditors have “moved on” from GME and now looking for the next great short squeeze. There was an incredible amount of info pushing retail investors towards the silver market. … Read more

GME Trades Halted Again

Robinhood. Webull. Tastyworks. This morning, these brokerages of mine got shut off from the ability buy stocks or open new option positions on GME and a handful of other stocks. But the ability to sell was still there. And institutional traders can still buy these stocks. There were other brokerages too that shut the ability … Read more