Learn By Doing – New Trading Strategies

Back in my World of Warcraft days, we had a small guild of tightly knit friends (many of us are friends IRL). While there were guides online for new dungeon and raid mechanics, we had our own guild motto: learn by doing. Reading detailed step by step guides and watching strategy videos give good overview … Read more

Make It A Learning Opportunity

Challenges come up every day. Even easy stuff. Today, we had a customer request to put two electronic components into one enclosure. For context this is extremely unusual and to my knowledge, never been done before. But instead of just answering the email myself, I took the opportunity to give my back up colleague a … Read more

Motivation Isn’t Permanent?

It most definitely is not. But as the late great Zig Ziglar says, neither is bathing. And eating. But he recommends both every day. Because if you stop eating, well eventually your condition will be permanent. But today, I’m not talking about motivating yourself, I want to talk about motivating others. With only a few … Read more

Lefty Eating | Try Something New Every Day

Today I ate a bowl of cookies and milk with my left hand. The new part is the left hand; I eat my original creation of “Cookie Soup” all the time. Now, I’m semi-ambidextrous, as I can write lefty really slow and ugly, but its legible. But it forced me to slow down and concentrate … Read more