Writing About Writing Prompts

Upon looking for a writing prompt today. I decided to write about writing prompts. There are dozens of sites with collections of writing prompts. I see a variety of topics ranging from fantasy, dramatic, serious, light hearted, sci fi – there are literally thousands of prompts. So, why are there so many so readily available … Read more

Not Every One is Going to be a Winner

Whether it’s an options trade, a blog post, a YouTube video… sometimes they’re a flop. It doesn’t feel good when you don’t get the results you want. But it’s important to keep putting out content. If you can, try to learn from it. Find out what you can do better. Keep in mind who your … Read more

Ultimate Beastmaster

This weekend we rewatched The Ultimate Beastmaster Season 1 on Netflix. It’s an obstacle course show with contestants from 6 different countries traverse 4 rounds of challenges. Each completed obstacle awards points and the contestants with the highest amount of points pass through each round until two finalist go head to head. Bonus obstacle detours … Read more

Heroes Journey: Becoming

The structure of a story begins with a hero being presented with a challenge. And then the hero must embark on a journey to learn how to overcome this challenge. Failures along the way highlight the difficulties that must be overcome. That way, when the hero succeeds in the end, the victory feels rewarding. But … Read more


Today’s Centr workout was MMA: Streetfighter with Jorge Blanco. One of the combos was Jab Jab Cross Lead-Knee. I took a short video clip and sent it to my brother Kenny with a joke reference about the Streetfighter games we played while growing up: I figured out the button press to this combo! So Kenny … Read more

Taste unexpected

Tonight, I made myself a strawberry smoothie with chocolate protein powder. It was a batch of fresh strawberries and the best tasting protein powder I’ve ever had. Upon first sip, I thought it was good… a few gulps later, i thought to myself – ew, I’m never doing this combination again. Several years ago, my … Read more