Why Is Investing So Different For Everyone?

The relationship everyone has with money is… complicated. So when it comes to how to invest and having that money make more money. Well, that’s just adding a whole web of choices on top of the already busy maze underneath. With so many asset classes to choose from, stocks, bonds, real estate, crypto, NFT’s… the … Read more

Picking Up Pennies On The Train Track

This phrase is a common description for selling high probability defined risk options strategies like credit spreads. With high probability, the capital required and risk is extremely high compared to the reward. The two NDX credit spreads I had left open overnight from yesterday was risking $9,400 to make $600. At the time of opening … Read more

Don’t Sweat the Petty Stuff

Or was it, don’t pet sweaty stuff? No, it’s definitely don’t sweat the petty stuff. But maybe don’t pet sweaty stuff either… Ramit Sethi, the author of I Will Teach You to be Rich, talks about a woman reaching out to him and complaining about how her husband buys $3 iced tea everyday. It utterly … Read more

Not Every One is Going to be a Winner

Whether it’s an options trade, a blog post, a YouTube video… sometimes they’re a flop. It doesn’t feel good when you don’t get the results you want. But it’s important to keep putting out content. If you can, try to learn from it. Find out what you can do better. Keep in mind who your … Read more

GME: Diamond Hands and Diamond Guts

It’s now February and the weekend has largely splashed cold water over the burning fire that was GameStop. The weekend was filled with articles about how redditors have “moved on” from GME and now looking for the next great short squeeze. There was an incredible amount of info pushing retail investors towards the silver market. … Read more

GME Saga Continues Part III

January 29, Friday. Expiration Day. The GME army is holding and continuing to buy GME. I get an email from Robinhood in the morning stating there’s limitations on the number of shares each account is allowed to buy: 5. A measly 5 shares only. It’s almost worse than keeping the buys shut off completely – … Read more

A Calm Sea Does Not Make a Skilled Sailor

That’s the fortune cookie we got today. I was a bit surprised that the fortune was not only serious, but actually pretty good words of wisdom. We just came off one of, if not THE longest bull run in the stock market. And although past performances does not indicate future performances, we as investors can … Read more

Automate and Increment

It’s the beginning of a new calendar year. If you’re currently employed, wouldn’t you like to get a raise? Since you’re in charge of your own retirement account, you should go ahead and give yourself a raise by increasing your 401k contribution by +1%. Some 401k plans even allow you to automate a +1% increase … Read more

What does Passive Income REALLY mean?

The term passive income has become a big buzzword for people all over the internet. Whether it’s people looking to retire early, have an alternative to the 9-5 job, or some looking for a magic bullet. Everyone has a different idea what passive income means. While it’s true that everyone will agree upon the results … Read more

The Great Rotation: Investing Carcinization

I encountered a new meme recently about how everything eventually evolves into crabs – a phenomenon called carcinization. A 2017 research paper showed that at least five different crustaceans species via convergent evolution turned into crab-like forms – you know – hard shells, pincers, flat and short bodies… I also read recently that investors em … Read more