WHAT IF… Do You Focus On Things You Can’t Change?

This is the Circle of Influence diagram from Steven Covey’s book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. When you focus only on things that you can change, you are pushing out your circle of influence. Conversely, when you worry and think about things you cannot change, you end up crippling yourself and shrink your circle … Read more

Beware the Words You Choose

Language makes the basis of thought for humans. When you speak, the words you choose reflect your thoughts. And the way you think. When you use negative words, you’re shaping your worlds in the same context. Zig Ziglar encourages us to use phrases such as strongends (instead of weekends), go lights (instead of stop lights), … Read more

Tracking is the Only Surefire Way to Improvement

It’s important that you are tracking the correct things. Where visibility goes, so does focus naturally. If you’re struggling, start tracking what you’re doing. Don’t be afraid to change metrics. You may be surprised at which metrics really matter. There is another side effect of tracking, it is consistency. When you’re committed to tracking and … Read more

Keep Calm and…

literally everything you do will be better. When you’re stressed or anxious, you’re in a state of flight or flight. You won’t be on top of your game. Your thinking is not clear. It’s hard to focus. You’re unable to make the best decisions. Take a step back and breathe. Keep Calm and succeed.