Good News! You Get To Choose Your Destiny

Because nothing happens overnight. Where you are now is the accumulation of the large collection of your past choices. Of course, there are events outside of your control. But what is always in your control is how you choose to respond to those events. The first step is your perspective. Two people can be present … Read more

Will You Keep Up With the Future?

Technology and innovation is changing really fast. The most recent fad is NFT’s or Non Fungible Tokens which are more or less digital collectables. And, of course, there’s BitCoin which have a bunch of people scratching their heads about digital currency. The world is split between the believers, the non-believers, and the people who have … Read more

between Scylla and Charybdis

For travelers that sailed through the Straight of Messina, coming too close to the cliffs would spell bloodshed. As Scylla would come out of the rocks with her six heads and snatch up sailors for lunch. Sailing out of reach of Scylla presented an even bigger danger in the form of Charybdis. Charybdis was another … Read more