2021 Trouble In The Suez

Not exactly what Bill Joel was singing about, but this week we had some interesting trouble in the Suez Canal with a boat being stuck there for days. According to a Forbes article here, the crisis is way overblown. While I agree that it is overblown in it’s hype and the disruption to the global … Read more

Impatience | The Need To Do SOMETHING

Today was yet another painful market crash. Jerome Powell and Janet Yellen spoke today and they reiterated more of the same: inflation projected long term to be ~2% and they intend to keep it that way. So with no real “news” why did the market crash? Yet again? This is the third crash as JPow … Read more

What Goes on in Your Head to Solve 27 + 48?

I encountered this question on a random Facebook post. And perusing the comments revealed so many ways to solve the problem. First up, the “classic” method I was taught to do by paper. 7 + 8 = 5, carry the 1 over, making 2 + 4 + 1 = 7. So the Answer is 75. … Read more