between Scylla and Charybdis

For travelers that sailed through the Straight of Messina, coming too close to the cliffs would spell bloodshed. As Scylla would come out of the rocks with her six heads and snatch up sailors for lunch. Sailing out of reach of Scylla presented an even bigger danger in the form of Charybdis. Charybdis was another … Read more

What is Value

A friend presented a hypothetical question: if an entertainment service costs more than the service of a life saving doctor, does that mean the value of that entertainment is worth more than life? My answer was yes, if we are talking purely about the market. But that’s the issue with value. It is determined by … Read more


I’ve been feeling sick. Runny nose. Sneezing. Tired. In normal times, the prescription is easy. Take a pill and sleep. Call in sick. But these are not normal times. Tomorrow I have an appointment to get tested for Covid. My symptoms don’t match Covid. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t. It will be up to … Read more


Irritated. Annoyed. Tired. Hungry. Sick. Any combination of these can cause us to lash out. It doesn’t really make us feel better. But it’s just easier to let loose at whoever is unfortunate enough to be in our line of fire. Maybe it’s a loved one or a friend that will get the brunt of … Read more

This too shall pass

As the ancient Persian fable goes, a powerful king challenged his sages to give him something that would make him happy when he is sad. The wise men deliberated and produced a ring with the inscription, “this too shall pass”. This famous proverb is most commonly used when people are going through tough times. However, … Read more