Why Is Investing So Different For Everyone?

The relationship everyone has with money is… complicated. So when it comes to how to invest and having that money make more money. Well, that’s just adding a whole web of choices on top of the already busy maze underneath. With so many asset classes to choose from, stocks, bonds, real estate, crypto, NFT’s… the … Read more

What Is Your Relationship With Money?

When you hear that someone is very rich, what is your first thought? Do you think, “she probably inherited it.” Or do you think, “she probably worked hard to get to where she is.” When you see someone driving an expensive sports car, what pops into your head? “He’s probably overcompensating for something,” or, “He … Read more

Don’t Sweat the Petty Stuff

Or was it, don’t pet sweaty stuff? No, it’s definitely don’t sweat the petty stuff. But maybe don’t pet sweaty stuff either… Ramit Sethi, the author of I Will Teach You to be Rich, talks about a woman reaching out to him and complaining about how her husband buys $3 iced tea everyday. It utterly … Read more

Recognizing and converting opportunities

Over the summer we were on our annual vacation with the family at the beach. During the watching of the movie Bullitt, my 20 yr old nephew leaned over and asked a simple question, “I got a hundred bucks, what stock should I invest in?” He had his brokerage account app open on his phone … Read more

What is Value

A friend presented a hypothetical question: if an entertainment service costs more than the service of a life saving doctor, does that mean the value of that entertainment is worth more than life? My answer was yes, if we are talking purely about the market. But that’s the issue with value. It is determined by … Read more