Motivation Isn’t Permanent?

It most definitely is not. But as the late great Zig Ziglar says, neither is bathing. And eating. But he recommends both every day. Because if you stop eating, well eventually your condition will be permanent. But today, I’m not talking about motivating yourself, I want to talk about motivating others. With only a few … Read more


Parkinson Law says that work expands to fill the time that is allotted to it. If you give yourself 2 hours to clean the kitchen, chances are, you will take all two hours to clean the kitchen. We’re really good at procrastinating. So how do we combat this? Make realistic deadlines that challenge us. Not … Read more

Accountability Buddy

We’re really good at making excuses for ourselves. I’ll work out tomorrow. I’m too sore to work out. I should rest up today. If you hear yourself saying anything that sounds like this, you need an accountability buddy. Find a person you trust and genuinely cares about your well-being. Tell them what you’re going to … Read more

Get up

It’s 5:45am. I’m tired. Did I even sleep? Doesn’t feel like it. I shuffle out to the living room. My back feels stiff but I check my workout planner anyway. Boxing: Non-Stop, with Michael Olajide Jr. Sounds horrible- I mean fun. Round 1. Jump ropes. I don’t have a jump rope so I mime it. … Read more