Deleted Scenes – Horcruxes

Movie/Book spoilers ahead, you’ve been warned. For Christmas, I got the full Harry Potter blue ray set (along with a blue ray player to watch them). So we’ve been going to town this whole week on them every evening. I was really glad about a minor detail fix that has always irked me in the … Read more

Heroes Journey: Becoming

The structure of a story begins with a hero being presented with a challenge. And then the hero must embark on a journey to learn how to overcome this challenge. Failures along the way highlight the difficulties that must be overcome. That way, when the hero succeeds in the end, the victory feels rewarding. But … Read more

Internet Mask pt1

Just watched a movie called Guns Akimbo starring Daniel Radcliffe. Without too much spoilers, Daniel’s character, Miles is an internet troll who ends up trolling a real life death-match stream called Skizm. When he gets a message from Skizm to stop his trolling, he doesn’t take their threats seriously. As a result he finds himself … Read more