Good News! You Get To Choose Your Destiny

Because nothing happens overnight. Where you are now is the accumulation of the large collection of your past choices. Of course, there are events outside of your control. But what is always in your control is how you choose to respond to those events. The first step is your perspective. Two people can be present … Read more

Make Money On A Flat Stock Day

Today’s stock market after the opening gap up stayed largely flat. But there was still money to be made. In a flat day like today, it is the perfect opportunity for an Iron Condor. The Iron Condor is a Put Credit Spread combined with a Call Credit Spread. As long as the Short Strikes are … Read more

Make It A Learning Opportunity

Challenges come up every day. Even easy stuff. Today, we had a customer request to put two electronic components into one enclosure. For context this is extremely unusual and to my knowledge, never been done before. But instead of just answering the email myself, I took the opportunity to give my back up colleague a … Read more

Recognizing and converting opportunities

Over the summer we were on our annual vacation with the family at the beach. During the watching of the movie Bullitt, my 20 yr old nephew leaned over and asked a simple question, “I got a hundred bucks, what stock should I invest in?” He had his brokerage account app open on his phone … Read more


Seneca says “luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”. Most of the time when we use the word luck to describe another’s good fortune, it is what Seneca is talking about. She’s lucky to have gotten the offer for a promotion. Not luck, she’s been demonstrating her skills to her company for years. He’s … Read more