Great Expectations Lead to Big Nothingburgers

After waiting over 7 months, I finally got my Bobcat Helium miner. The Helium crypto network can be summed up as decentralized wifi where small IoT devices can operate. So, I excitedly get the unit from the apartment lobby. Download the app. Plug in the device. Activate. And… nothing. Reddit fellow Helium miners say that … Read more

Linear Expectation

My dentist suggested that I get teeth grinding mouth guards. He explained that one tooth of mine has already worn down by 1 mm. And although it’s taken 32 years for me to wear it down by 1 mm, the progression of wear is exponential. He went on with the details about how the outermost … Read more


Immediate responses. Instant rewards. Now. The world is getting faster and faster. Demands from bosses, clients, and customers. We want deliveries as soon as we confirm a purchase. It’s no wonder, we’re bombarded with the lure of get rich quick schemes and too-good-to-be-true weight loss programs. These industries continue to thrive because the culture of … Read more