Internet Mask pt2

In part one, we talked about why it is so easy for internet interactions to lack empathy. It’s easy to turn to bullying and trolling from the anonymity and lack of accountability. The human on the other side is not really perceived as a human altogether. So the deeper reason for WHY hate mongering, bullying, … Read more


Today’s Centr workout was MMA: Streetfighter with Jorge Blanco. One of the combos was Jab Jab Cross Lead-Knee. I took a short video clip and sent it to my brother Kenny with a joke reference about the Streetfighter games we played while growing up: I figured out the button press to this combo! So Kenny … Read more

Accountability Buddy

We’re really good at making excuses for ourselves. I’ll work out tomorrow. I’m too sore to work out. I should rest up today. If you hear yourself saying anything that sounds like this, you need an accountability buddy. Find a person you trust and genuinely cares about your well-being. Tell them what you’re going to … Read more


Immediate responses. Instant rewards. Now. The world is getting faster and faster. Demands from bosses, clients, and customers. We want deliveries as soon as we confirm a purchase. It’s no wonder, we’re bombarded with the lure of get rich quick schemes and too-good-to-be-true weight loss programs. These industries continue to thrive because the culture of … Read more