First Monday of the year means back to work

The Office: bowling alley employee yells at Ryan to get "back to work, shoe bitch"

Holiday time means we get to be sloth-like. And take an extended break from work to relax. But since it’s Monday, many are back to the office… or at least back to work. Also back to work is the stock market. After an optimistic opening at the bell, the indices slumped through the day. But … Read more

New Year 2022 Reset and Restart | TomorrowMastery

Consistency is key. Yet, it is difficult to convert a new routine into habit. And have it stick. Could be a new years resolution. Like exercise. A new diet. Read or write more. My daily blog fell apart last May… or something like that. But much more fell apart last year. For many people like … Read more

3 Ways To Prevent Shiny Object Syndrome From Running You Over

I think we all suffer from shiny object syndrome in one way or another. You know the symptoms. We find something interesting and we get motivated to find out more. We go down the rabbit hole, investing a bunch of time, effort, maybe even money. Until the next ‘shiny object’ catches our eyes. At it’s … Read more

Is it Worth Doing if Results are Not Guaranteed?

If success is certain, the work done is not innovative. It is routine. While it is commonly said that the journey is its own reward, we are conditioned in a society that pushes for results over everything else. Sales targets must be hit. KPI metrics have to be met. Earnings calls needs to improve year … Read more

Deadlines | Lighting the Fire Under Your Butt

We all need deadlines in order for work to get done. Urgency is a necessity. However, different people handle deadlines differently. Some will finish ahead of schedule with buffer room because they can’t handle a looming unfinished task. Who are these people? They’re the ones that will show up at an appointment, meeting, or dinner … Read more

Under pressure – deadline

Parkinson’s Law says that work expands to fill the time allotted. We already know that deadlines are vital to get anything done. I had an assignment last night and although I finished 2 hours before the submission deadline, I felt the pressure of getting it done. Not everyone works well under this kind of pressure. … Read more

between Scylla and Charybdis

For travelers that sailed through the Straight of Messina, coming too close to the cliffs would spell bloodshed. As Scylla would come out of the rocks with her six heads and snatch up sailors for lunch. Sailing out of reach of Scylla presented an even bigger danger in the form of Charybdis. Charybdis was another … Read more