Selling Hours | Money For Time?

In today’s blog Seth Godin addresses a topic that has been on my mind for quite a while now. There’s quite a common social acceptance that most people do not enjoy their jobs. They are only working for the weekend, counting down the time before leaving, and worst of all, dreading returning to work. The … Read more

Knowing It Can Be Done – Seth’s Blog

Today on Seth Godin’s daily blog, he talks about how taking the leap is the hard part, while iterative improvements are not only easier, but they’re inevitable. This reminds me of an often cited example of how nobody believed that a 4 minute mile was possible. That is, until 1954 when Roger Bannister broke that … Read more

Why Momentum Is Important For “S” Cash Flow Quadrant

Whatever you may feel about Robert Kiyosaki, his Cash Flow Quadrant is an amazing tool to categorize the types of way we make money. Today, we’ll focus on the “E” Employee and the “S” Self-Employed quadrants. For the Employee, the benefits are a steady income. A general piece of mind and security provided that your … Read more

Writing About Writing Prompts

Upon looking for a writing prompt today. I decided to write about writing prompts. There are dozens of sites with collections of writing prompts. I see a variety of topics ranging from fantasy, dramatic, serious, light hearted, sci fi – there are literally thousands of prompts. So, why are there so many so readily available … Read more

What is “Good Enough”?

“Good Enough” for a product or service means it has met it’s specifications. Seth Godin expands on this idea with an example of when the Lexus was coming out with a car, it didn’t need to be perfect. For Lexus, “good enough” meant that it was better than it’s competitor at the time, the Mercedes. … Read more

Ultimate Beastmaster

This weekend we rewatched The Ultimate Beastmaster Season 1 on Netflix. It’s an obstacle course show with contestants from 6 different countries traverse 4 rounds of challenges. Each completed obstacle awards points and the contestants with the highest amount of points pass through each round until two finalist go head to head. Bonus obstacle detours … Read more