Linear Expectation

My dentist suggested that I get teeth grinding mouth guards. He explained that one tooth of mine has already worn down by 1 mm. And although it’s taken 32 years for me to wear it down by 1 mm, the progression of wear is exponential. He went on with the details about how the outermost … Read more

Don’t “read” books

“Books are the training weights of the mind. They are very helpful, but it would be a bad mistake to suppose that one has made progress simply by having internalized their contents” — Epictetus. I’ve been guilty of this. at one point I was reading 2-3 personal development books per month. While it wasn’t a … Read more

Solving problems

What problems are you looking to solve? Where do you go to look for solutions? Are you even trying to find a solution? What about problems you’ve had in the past? How did you overcome them? Did you seek answers or did you brute force trial and error? Oftentimes, when we face a challenge we … Read more


Today’s Centr workout was MMA: Streetfighter with Jorge Blanco. One of the combos was Jab Jab Cross Lead-Knee. I took a short video clip and sent it to my brother Kenny with a joke reference about the Streetfighter games we played while growing up: I figured out the button press to this combo! So Kenny … Read more


Immediate responses. Instant rewards. Now. The world is getting faster and faster. Demands from bosses, clients, and customers. We want deliveries as soon as we confirm a purchase. It’s no wonder, we’re bombarded with the lure of get rich quick schemes and too-good-to-be-true weight loss programs. These industries continue to thrive because the culture of … Read more