Heavy Emotion Toll Of Car Battery Replacement

Late this afternoon, I decided it was time to replace my car battery that has been on the fritz for several weeks. I needed to use the portable battery pack that my brother lent me all week just to start the car every time. There was an audible struggle on the ignition and it would … Read more

Keep Calm and…

literally everything you do will be better. When you’re stressed or anxious, you’re in a state of flight or flight. You won’t be on top of your game. Your thinking is not clear. It’s hard to focus. You’re unable to make the best decisions. Take a step back and breathe. Keep Calm and succeed.

ok, stress level is rising

My wallet is not in the bag I brought upstairs yesterday. I had just looked in the car center console. Not there. Take a deep breath and retrace my steps. Ok, I used my credit card to pay for the lo mein take out. Then we had the fairly stressful fender bender (was cut off) … Read more