Make Decisive Decisions and Move On

According to Tom Sosnoff, this is a one of his keys to success. He also seeks this characteristic in others. When he’s interviewing job candidates, he would ask a question like, “What’s 17% of 42?” Sosnoff says 50% of the people won’t even answer fearing answering incorrectly. But what he’s really looking for is people’s … Read more

Keep a Log of Your Successes

Today was a rough day. Another 11hours between logging on and logging off. Tomorrow doesn’t look like it will be any better. Nor Thursday. At lunch, my stock option trades realized more disappointing losses. Doubt on my abilities are not only looming, but is pressing in on me from all sides. The whole day felt … Read more

“If I had one of these, I could play just like Stu”

Bass Players United Facebook group posted a beautiful picture of a Kubiki Ex Factor Bass. In the early years of Stu Hamm’s career, the Ex Factor was his bass of choice. The this comment that someone relied with, “if I had one of these, I could play just like Stu”, I bet a lot of … Read more

Keep Calm and…

literally everything you do will be better. When you’re stressed or anxious, you’re in a state of flight or flight. You won’t be on top of your game. Your thinking is not clear. It’s hard to focus. You’re unable to make the best decisions. Take a step back and breathe. Keep Calm and succeed.

Linear Expectation

My dentist suggested that I get teeth grinding mouth guards. He explained that one tooth of mine has already worn down by 1 mm. And although it’s taken 32 years for me to wear it down by 1 mm, the progression of wear is exponential. He went on with the details about how the outermost … Read more


Seneca says “luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”. Most of the time when we use the word luck to describe another’s good fortune, it is what Seneca is talking about. She’s lucky to have gotten the offer for a promotion. Not luck, she’s been demonstrating her skills to her company for years. He’s … Read more

Ultimate Beastmaster

This weekend we rewatched The Ultimate Beastmaster Season 1 on Netflix. It’s an obstacle course show with contestants from 6 different countries traverse 4 rounds of challenges. Each completed obstacle awards points and the contestants with the highest amount of points pass through each round until two finalist go head to head. Bonus obstacle detours … Read more

Solving problems

What problems are you looking to solve? Where do you go to look for solutions? Are you even trying to find a solution? What about problems you’ve had in the past? How did you overcome them? Did you seek answers or did you brute force trial and error? Oftentimes, when we face a challenge we … Read more