Disconnected From The Outside World

Today is Easter! We knew this because yesterday I did a Facebook Live video of Easter Eve Eggstravaganza where I reviewed 6 different chocolate eggs. But today, after a grueling morning of spring cleaning, we just relaxed in the afternoon. And at 6pm, we went to do our weekly Sunday evening shopping. When we pulled … Read more

Perseverance Is Choosing To Act When You Least Feel Like It

Today was another one of those days where there’s no motivation. It was filled with chores. Laundry, dishes, groceries. Nothing of interest really happened. I feel exhausted, uncreative, unmotivated. Yet here I am, writing this blog. I didn’t decide today that I would write. I decided months ago that I would write today. It takes … Read more

Deadlines | Lighting the Fire Under Your Butt

We all need deadlines in order for work to get done. Urgency is a necessity. However, different people handle deadlines differently. Some will finish ahead of schedule with buffer room because they can’t handle a looming unfinished task. Who are these people? They’re the ones that will show up at an appointment, meeting, or dinner … Read more

What is “Good Enough”?

“Good Enough” for a product or service means it has met it’s specifications. Seth Godin expands on this idea with an example of when the Lexus was coming out with a car, it didn’t need to be perfect. For Lexus, “good enough” meant that it was better than it’s competitor at the time, the Mercedes. … Read more

“Work is Better When You Don’t Need the Money”

This is a quote from Mr. Money Mustache and it sounds like the most obvious thing in the world. But is it? Talking with my friends lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of comments about the “rat race” and how they’re convinced there is no escape. The general idea of the rat race is akin … Read more

What does Passive Income REALLY mean?

The term passive income has become a big buzzword for people all over the internet. Whether it’s people looking to retire early, have an alternative to the 9-5 job, or some looking for a magic bullet. Everyone has a different idea what passive income means. While it’s true that everyone will agree upon the results … Read more

Keep a Log of Your Successes

Today was a rough day. Another 11hours between logging on and logging off. Tomorrow doesn’t look like it will be any better. Nor Thursday. At lunch, my stock option trades realized more disappointing losses. Doubt on my abilities are not only looming, but is pressing in on me from all sides. The whole day felt … Read more


Parkinson Law says that work expands to fill the time that is allotted to it. If you give yourself 2 hours to clean the kitchen, chances are, you will take all two hours to clean the kitchen. We’re really good at procrastinating. So how do we combat this? Make realistic deadlines that challenge us. Not … Read more